7th Annual Virtual Women In Leadership Summit

November 15 - 23, 2023 | Virtual Summit

7th Annual
Women In Leadership Summit

Happy to have you nominate!  To get you started, please complete the fields below.

Also, don’t forget to register.  For online registration details, please click here.

Nomination Deadline: October 13, 2023

For more information or if you have any questions, please click here for the FAQ’s.

    To select more than 1 category, hold the "CTRL" key and select.

    Submit a high resolution headshot of the nominee and company logo (This information will be used during the Awards Ceremony and may be posted on the myCSPN.com website and various social media platforms)
    - High Resolution Head Shot of Nominee Picture (500x500 pixels)
    - High Resolution Company Logo (500x500 pixels)
    *If you do not have the images yet, or are unable to attach the images here, please email the headshot and company logo to info@mycspn.com by October 13, 2023.

    Ready to sign up? Reserve your spot!