Delivering Responsive Customer Service (Over the Phone) E-Program Information

Delivering Effective Customer Service is an essential skill to succeeding and excelling in your professional life. This program is ideal for anyone who deals with internal or external clients and wants to provide a unique and personalized experience for them. This online program is intended to train you to understand the customer perspective, create winning first impressions and build strong customer relationships, even if you only have a few minutes to do it. Proactive communication with customers and engaging in uncovering their hidden needs are also skills that you will begin to develop (or further refine) through this online program.

In order to achieve your overall certificate of completion, you must pass all assessments within the course.

Module 1) Before the Call

Module 2) Making the Connection

Module 3) Establishing Rapport

Module 4) Maintaining Rapport

Module 5) Creating a Climate for Rapport

Module 6) Effective Listening

Module 7) Communicating through Accents

Module 8) Questioning Skills

Module 9) Holding and Transferring Calls

Module 10) Establishing Control of the Call

Module 11) Regaining Control of the Call

Module 12) Positive Call Management

Estimated program length: 14 Hour(s).

“Corey’s enthusiasm, humour, and extensive knowledge in Customer Service was impressive and kept me engaged throughout the session. Although I have had similar training on the subject, he presented on his approach to it and gave me new and valuable tools that I can apply to my existing skills in various areas of my work. The knowledge gained even goes beyond the workplace as I have caught myself using these tools at home which is working wonders!

The course invigorates your thirst to handle the public with more confidence. The tools shared during this can be put into immediately action. The facilitator will keep you engaged from when you enter to the room to event after you leave the session.”

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